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Ron Faucheux

4.5 out of 5
2 Ratings
  • New York, USA
  • Ron Faucheux

Profile Info


Ron Faucheux

My Birthday


First Name


My Address

New York, USA

Last Name




Short info

Vestibulum ut tellus mattis, maximus mi sed, ornare dolor. Quisque accumsan neque nec nunc tincidunt condimentum. Praesent iaculis lorem ac risus mattis, et elementum justo malesuada.


New York

Biographical Info

Nulla vel est pellentesque odio efficitur vehicula. Proin et ullamcorper est. Cras in velit et nunc ultrices imperdiet egestas id risus. Phasellus dui tellus, congue sed turpis sed, tincidunt varius dolor. Integer interdum enim at quam vestibulum, at vulputate metus pellentesque.

Hobbies and Interests

My hobbies

I like to ride the bike to work, swimming, and working out. I also like reading design magazines, go to museums, and binge watching a good tv show while it’s raining outside.

Favourite Music Bands / Artists

Iron Maid, DC/AC, Megablow, The Ill, Kung Fighters, System of a Revenge.

Favourite TV Shows

Breaking Good, RedDevil, People of Interest, The Running Dead, Found,  American Guy.

Favourite Books

The Crime of the Century, Egiptian Mythology 101, The Scarred Wizard, Lord of the Wings, Amongst Gods, The Oracle, A Tale of Air and Water.

Favourite Movies

Idiocratic, The Scarred Wizard and the Fire Crown,  Crime Squad, Ferrum Man.

Other Interests

Swimming, Surfing, Scuba Diving, Anime, Photography, Tattoos, Street Art.

Contact Info




New York, USA

user balance 22 / Points

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About me

Ron Faucheux


Donec dignissim ut enim imperdiet tempor. Curabitur quis ornare arcu. Suspendisse in molestie mauris, non tincidunt nulla. Ut commodo, velit vel porttitor auctor, lacus nunc blandit massa, vitae iaculis leo purus ut turpis.


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E-mail Address


New York, USA

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